Как правильно пишется и произносится слово Instagram на русском языке?

Разные пользователи пишут название социальной сети по-разному. У многих возникают сомнения, как пишется – Инстаграм или Инстаграмм. В статье рассмотрим, как правильно называть эту соцсеть по-русски.

Инстаграм на рабочем столе InstagramИнстаграм на рабочем столе Instagram

О социальной сети Instagram

Инстаграм – это соцсеть, где можно обмениваться видеозаписями, фото, использовать фильтры, делать картинку более привлекательной. Сейчас она принадлежит Facebook, но эти соцсети сильно отличаются друг от друга.

Instagram – среднее между соцсетью и микроблогом, похожим на  Twitter, где можно выкладывать фото, видео, давать комментарии. Здесь можно общаться через Директ, проводить видеотрансляции.

Лого Инсты InstagramЛого Инсты Instagram

Соцсеть дает возможность познакомиться со знаменитостями, следить за их творчеством и просматривать публикации. Если комментарии открыты, то под постом звезды можно высказать свое мнение. Если вы занимаетесь творчеством, можете собрать собственный клуб поклонников, где вы будете в центре событий. При этом авторское право на все посты останется за вами.

Иногда пользователей интересует не только возможности приложения, но и правописание слова, его обозначающего. Поэтому разберемся, как правильно писать – Инстаграм или Инстаграмм.

Правильное написание на русском

Итак, как пишется – Инстаграмм или Инстаграм. Правильным считается второй вариант. Это название соцсети, но его можно изменять по падежам.

Логотип Инсты InstagramЛоготип Инсты Instagram

Из-за уникальности соцсети у слова проявляются сразу две сильные тенденции – с одной стороны, за ним остается статус имени собственного, а с другой – название сливается с такими значениями, как «страница» и «аккаунт».

Есть два написания – «Инстаграм», то есть название социальной сети, имя собственное, и «инстаграм» – аккаунт человека.

Примеры предложений

В зависимости от значения слово может писаться с большой или маленькой буквы. «Провел весь вечер над просмотром инстаграмов актеров». Здесь предполагается именно аккаунт пользователя или его профиль. Можно сказать «я видел фото торта в чьем-то инстаграме». Если речь о социальной сети, то будет так: «Новая версия Инстаграма мне понравилась».

С маленькой буквы слово пишется, если мы подразумеваем фото, например, «инстаграм довольной собаки». То есть вы выставили фото собаки, а снизу поставили такую подпись.

Как пишется InstagramКак пишется Instagram

У проекта есть и другие названия, придуманные пользователями – например, Инстик, Инста, Инст. И даже Инстаграмм. И если первые придуманы для экономии речевых усилий, то последний – это одна из самых распространенных ошибок русского языка.


Итак, верный вариант – это все же Инстаграм. Но иногда, в определенных контекстах, это слово пишется с маленькой буквы и может употребляться в разных падежах, если речь идет о чьем-то аккаунте.

Инстаграм или инстаграмм: как правильно пишется слово?

Не так давно в нашей жизни появился инстаграм и началось. А началось следующее: фото еды, луны, рецепты, тренинги, селфи, отдых, вебинары. Одним словом, жизнь в режиме онлайн. Каждый второй сегодня мнит себя блогером, вещает о своих жизненных принципах и запускает курсы по продвижению. Да, Инстаграм прочно вошел в нашу жизнь и обосновался в ней. Все чаще мы слышим это слово тут и там. И возникает вполне резонный вопрос: инстаграм или инстаграмм как правильно пишется? Для выяснения всех обстоятельств следует обратиться к правописанию.

Правописание слова

Итак, что же такое инстаграм и с чем его едят? Инстаграм – это самая популярная социальная сеть, которая давно вышла за рамки простого размещения фото и краткого описания под ним. Сегодня инстаграм – это и торговая площадка, и СМИ, и образовательный центр.

Миром правит контент. Именно поэтому вся жизнь блогеров проходит в сторис и прямых эфирах. Так блогеры работают над охватами и вовлеченностью публики.   Недаром появилось понятие инстамир, где есть свои магазины, аптеки, доставка еды, врачи, фитнес-тренеры и много кто еще.

Однако, все вышеперечисленное не дает четкого разъяснения о правилах написания заимствованного слова. В русском языке все заимствованные слова пишутся в соответствии с грамматическими правилами родного языка. Слово «Инстаграм» пришло к нам с английского. И в оригинале оно пишется с одной буквой м, следовательно, и в русском языке его нужно писать с одной м.

Почему возникает ошибка при написании слова? Оказывается, многие видят в слове знакомый корень «грамм» и по привычке пишут «инстаграмм» с двойной буквой –м. Это совершенно неверно. Грамм – мера веса и не имеет никакого отношения к правописанию иностранного слова. Согласно правильной транслитерации Инстаграм, как и Telegram пишутся с одной согласной –м.

Существует также и другие варианты написания слова, оно может начинаться с прописной буквы либо со строчной. Все дело в смысловой нагрузке. Когда речь идет о социальной сети, рекомендуется заключать слово в кавычки и писать его с большой буквы. Если же речь идет об инстаграме, как о личном аккаунте, то следует писать неологизм с маленькой буквы.

Примеры предложений

  1. Несколько сторис в своем инстаграме Василий посвятил рыбалке.
  2. В инстаграме Ольга нашла своих дальних родственников.
  3. Инстаграм восходящей звезды был завален письмами в Direct.
  4. В инстаграм Олег заходил исключительно по надобности: проверить комментарии под постами, дать читателям обратную связь, посмотреть сторис популярных блогеров.
  5. Инстаграм занимал основное время Теоны, она основательно готовилась к своему первому прямому эфиру.

Ошибочное написание

Инстаграм – имя собственное, название соцсети, в которой люди находят не просто общение, но и строят бизнес. Но, несмотря на частое упоминание, в слове допускают ошибки. Самые популярные грамматические ошибки в неологизме:

  • инстаграмм;
  • инстограм.

Чтобы избежать ошибок в написании слова, можно воспользоваться заменой, то есть писать название популярного ресурса сокращенно. К примеру, так – инста, инстик, инст.


А теперь задумайтесь на минутку, как часто в повседневной жизни вы слышите слово «инстаграм»? Подруга звонит и рассказывает про новенькое платье, которое заказала в инсте. Консультант дает визитку и направляет в аккаунт компании в инстаграм. Хореограф об изменении в расписании сообщает в сторис, то есть опять инстаграм.

Слово слышим очень часто, и часто совершаем ошибки в написании. Это говорит лишь о нашей невнимательности и постоянной спешке. Поэтому именно сейчас остановитесь на минуту, налейте чашку чая, присядьте в уютное кресло, и полистайте фото близких и любимых в инстаграм.

Правильно/неправильно пишется

Как правильно пишется Инстаграмме или Инстаграме: на русском и по-английски

«Ты есть Инстаграмме или Инстаграме»? Хотя современное общество меньше внимания уделяет орфографии по причине автокоррекции слов в популярных соц. сетях и редакторах, в некоторых случаях и они бессильны. Как не ошибиться и правильно написать английское название на русском – далее в статье.

Правило транслитерации

В данном случае стоит придерживаться одного простого правила. Следуя ему, каждая буква латиницы заменяется на наиболее созвучную из кириллицы. Поскольку название социальной сети по-английски пишется не Instagramm, а Instagram, необходимо подставлять одну, созвучную букву – м.

Прибегнув к помощи онлайн-сервиса транслитерации, ведущие сайты покажут именно такой перевод. Это еще раз подтверждает, что правильно пишется «в Инстаграме», а не «в Инстаграмме».


Здесь могут последовать возражения. Ведь в русском языке есть множество слов, имеющих иностранное происхождение и образующих две буквы вместо одной. Примеры: gram (грамм), program (программа), sum (сумма) и т.д. Возражение справедливое, однако нужно подчеркнуть, что Instagram – собственное имя, если хотите – бренд. В таких случаях добавлять лишние знаки – неправильно.

Значение слова

Точной информации о том, что означает слово «Инстаграм» нет. Наиболее вероятным предположением нам кажется вариант, происходящий от Instant Telegram – мгновенная телеграмма. Название соответствует функциям Instagram – сделали фото/видео и мгновенно загрузили его в социальную сеть.

С маленькой или большой буквы?

Существует негласное правило, употребляя название социальной сети по отношению к чьем-то профилю писать его с маленькой буквы. Употребляя же без привязки к конкретному аккаунту или человеку – с большой. Пример: «Зайди пожалуйста в Инстаграм, я отметил тебя на фото», «Увидев её инстаграм (подразумевается страница) я был восхищен».

Также отметим, что в молодежном сленге часто употребляются сокращения: Инста, Инстик, Инст. В данном случае, как правильно сократить – решает пользователь. Здесь правил не существует.

Поделиться в социальных сетях

Инстаграм или Instagram — как правильно? | Образование | Общество a[style] {position:fixed !important;} ]]]]]]]]]]>]]]]]]]]>]]]]]]>]]]]>]]>


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Как правильно написать Instagram по-русски? — Блог ДругМедиа

Соцсети стали неотъемлемой частью жизни людей настолько, что внедрились в лексикон и повседневную речь как нарицательные слова:

X: Ты зачем фоткаешь себя с пустым стаканчиком из-под кофе?
Y: Это селфи для инсты.

Редко теперь встретишь человека который скажет: «Давай-ка сфотографируемся вместе, чтобы я выложил в социальную сеть „Instagram“ (произносит название соцсети с англо-американским акцентом).» Люди как только не коверкают название этой соцсети в речи, особенно в письменной.

Так как мы постоянно мониторим соцсети, я встречала 7 различных вариантов написания на русском языке названия любимой всеми девушками, спортсменами из тренажерки, котиками, вайнерами и влоггерами, флористами и кондитерами-самоучками соцсети: Инстаграм, Инст, Инста, Инстограм, Инстик, Инстаграмм, Инстаграммчик.

Пора положить этому безобразию конец! Так сложилось, что в России у соцсети Instagram много поклонников, поэтому пора бы и научиться писать название по-русски корректно.

Как пишется название соцсети по-русски правильно?

Все очень просто. Берёте оригинальное название и заменяете буквы на русские, согласно правилам транслитерации — передачи текста, написанного с помощью одного алфавита, средствами другого алфавита (Словарь иностранных слов.- Комлев Н. Г., 2006 год).

Instagram = Инстаграм

Я же говорила, все проще некуда. Самая распространенная ошибка при написании названия соцсети — это удвоенная «м» на конце.

Причина данной ошибки кроется в головах русскоговорящих людей: в русском и английском языках есть такие слова, которые отличаются в написании количеством согласных букв в конце. В их правописании часто возникает путаница, и они созвучны со словом Инстаграм, поэтому у многих в головах отложилось ложное правило правописания названия соцсети — с двумя согласными на конце (ИнстаграмМ). Вот они, «ложные друзья переводчика»:

  • program — программа
  • gram — грамм
  • telegram — телеграмма
  • sum — сумма

Но ведь Инстаграм — имя, поэтому нельзя его писать так, как хочется. Нужно по буквам передать его на другой язык. Ведь когда мы видим имя Ivan, мы не пишем Иванн?

Будьте грамотными, друзья. Мы же не такие, как режиссеры американских фильмов, которые совершенно не думают о правописании иностранных имен;)

Поделитесь этой новостью со всеми, пусть Инстаграм, наконец, перестанет быть Инстаграммом в России 🙂

Команда ДругМедиа






Инстаграм или Инстаграмм — разбор правильного написания названия социальной сети

Автор Avtor На чтение 4 мин. Просмотров 50 Опубликовано

Названия приложений и социальных сетей обитатели интернета пишут по-разному. Но в русском языке есть определенные правила, нормирующие написание заимствованных слов, в том числе и названия соцсетей. Разберем, как писать правильно — Инстаграм или Инстаграмм.

Происхождение и значение названия

Прочно вошедшее в русский язык слово «инстаграм» является калькой с английского Instagram. Английский вариант, в свою очередь, выступает своеобразной аббревиатурой от двух слов:

  • Instant – момент, миг, мгновение;
  • Telegram – телеграмма.

Между разделами 2 и 3Получается что-то вроде «мгновенной телеграммы». Это название придумали разработчики фото-приложения – Майк Кригер и Кевин Систром. По их мнению, оно наиболее точно отражает механизм действия Инстаграма – мгновенное сообщение новости всем подписчикам.

Именно из-за наличия в названии отсылки к телеграмме чаще всего возникают сложности с правильным его написанием по-русски.

Вариации написания

У каждого инста-блогера есть свое мнение о том, как правильно пишется название его любимой соцсети. В 2020 году филологи насчитывают около десятка различных вариантов написания этого слова, бытующих в повседневной лексике и интернет-постах:

  • Instagram;
  • Instagramm;
  • Инстаграм и инстаграмм;
  • Инста;
  • Инстик;
  • Инст;
  • Инстаграммчик.

Аккаунт инстаграма

Большинство вариантов – это просто сокращения, которые читатели и блогеры используют для экономии речевых усилий. Больше всего вопросов вызывает написание полного названия приложения в русской транскрипции. Но ответы на них найти просто, стоит лишь справиться с учебником русского языка или словарем. Определимся раз и навсегда, как пишется — Инстаграм или Инстаграмм.

По статистике, собранной учеными-лингвистами, примерно каждый пятый пользователь интернета пишет название фото-приложения неправильно. И лишь незначительная часть этих ошибок вызвана использованием автозамены в телефоне.

Наиболее правильный вариант написания

Слово Instagram является названием популярной социальной сети. То есть, это имя собственное. Значит, к его «переводу» на русский язык необходимо применять правила, распространяющиеся на имена собственные.

Инстаграм на русском

Основное правило звучит так: «перевод» осуществляется путем замены в исходном слове всех иностранных букв на русские, согласно правилам транслитерации. В русском варианте название будет выглядеть так – Инстаграм. И ни как иначе!

Не следует писать на конце слова «инстаграм» удвоенную букву М. С точки зрения правил русского языка, это ошибка.

Самым распространенным вариантом ошибочного написания слова является вариант с удвоенной М на конце. Чем оправдывают себя сторонники варианта «Инстаграмм»: как пишется слово «телеграмма», или «программа», или «грамм»? С удвоенной буквой М! Значит, и слово «Инстаграм» необходимо писать по такому же принципу.

Иконка инстаграм

Однако, эти люди не учитывают, что в приведенной ими аналогии все слова являются именами нарицательными. Инстаграм же – имя собственное, поэтому к нему данный подход неприменим. Раз в английском оригинале этого слова двойной М нет, то и в русском ее быть не должно.

О склонениях, строчных и прописных буквах

Если Инстаграм – это имя собственное, значит, его нужно писать с большой буквы? Нужно, но не всегда. Филологи считают верным два варианта написания слова:

  • с большой буквы, если речь идет о приложении в целом, например – «Установи уже себе Инстаграм!»;
  • с маленькой буквы, если слово используется в значении «страница», «аккаунт», «профиль». – «Я зашел в ее инстаграм и просмотрел все фото».

Иконка инстаграма

И еще один важный момент – как на письме, так и в устной речи слово «инстаграм» можно склонять: в Инстаграме, из Инстаграма, со своим Инстаграмом. Также не следует забывать о числовых формах – «в инстаграмах актеров», «смотрела кулинарные инстаграмы» — их тоже необходимо применять, если этого требует ситуация.

Необходимость использования склонений и числовых форм распространяется и на сокращенные варианты слова «инстаграм» — «в моей инсте», «в кулинарных инстиках».

Как правильно писать адрес в Instagram?

Ссылка на страничку личного профиля поможет при продвижении аккаунта. Узнать адрес Инстаграм можно с помощью настроек. Владельцам бизнес-профиля можно указать контакты, адрес. Получить ссылку на свой аккаунт можно с помощью настроек Instagram. Операция не отнимет много времени и не потребует сложных настроек.

Как узнать адрес своей страницы в Инстаграм

Узнать адрес Инстаграмма можно с помощью мобильного телефона и компьютера. В телефоне адрес написан около аватарки, а в ПК информация отображается в адресной строке.

Как узнать свой адрес в Инстаграмме через телефон:

  1. Запустите Инстаграм на телефоне.
  2. Тапните по иконке в форме человека, для перехода в личный аккаунт.Войдите в профиль InstagramВойдите в профиль Instagram
  3. Над аватаркой написан ник.Ник над аватаркой InstagramНик над аватаркой Instagram
  4. Чтобы получить ссылку на страницу добавьте ник к домену социальной сети. Например: instagram.com/ник.

Узнать адрес другого человека можно с помощью опции копирования URL.

Для этого:

  1. Найдите аккаунт нужного человека.
  2. Тапните по кнопке с тремя точками для вызова меню.Кнопка меню InstagramКнопка меню Instagram
  3. Нажмите на строку «Скопировать URL профиля».Адрес профиля InstagramАдрес профиля Instagram
  4. Инстаграм автоматически определит информацию об аккаунте и скопирует ее в буфер обмена.
  5. Таким способом можно получить информацию о своем аккаунте, запросив ее у друга.

Увидеть ссылку на своей аккаунт можно в браузерной версии Instagram.

Для этого:

  1. Запустите Инстаграм на компьютере через браузер.
  2. Войдите в личный профиль.
  3. В адресной строке доступен полный адрес страницы, он идентичен названию профиля.Имя профиля InstagramИмя профиля Instagram

Важно. Если при редактировании профиля был изменен параметр Username, адрес странички изменится автоматически.

Добавление адреса в профиль Инстаграм

Писать адрес в Инстаграмме можно самостоятельно. Для этого нужно перейти в настройки. Опция пригодится бизнес-аккаунтам для продвижения собственной продукции.

Как написать данные в профиль с помощью мобильного телефона:

  1. Запустите приложение и откройте аккаунт.
  2. Нажмите на кнопку «Редактировать профиль».Редактировать профиль InstagramРедактировать профиль Instagram
  3. Пролистайте страницу вниз, нажмите на строку «Адрес компании».
  4. Напечатайте адрес, город, укажите почтовый индекс.
  5. Здесь можно дополнительно указать номер телефона и адрес электронной почты.Информация о себе InstagramИнформация о себе Instagram

Важно. Указать адрес компании могут только владельцы бизнес-аккаунтов. В обычном профиле можно напечатать номер телефона, email, адрес веб-сайта.

Блогеры могут добавлять адрес с помощью геопозиции. Информация о местоположении отображается под каждой опубликованной фотографией. Как включить отображение местоположения:

  1. Включите датчик GPS на устройстве.
  2. Сделайте снимок или видео.
  3. При публикации в Инстаграме можно выбрать опцию «Добавить место», нажмите на нее.Добавить место InstagramДобавить место Instagram
  4. Приложение автоматически определит местоположение и откроет список с подходящими местами. Выберите один из вариантов.
  5. Геолокация прикрепится к публикации и будет отображаться над ней.Геолокация InstagramГеолокация Instagram
  6. Чтобы изменить место кликните по трем точкам напротив публикации, нажмите на «Редактировать», кликните по местоположению и выберите другой вариант из открывшегося списка.Редактировать InstagramРедактировать Instagram

Важно. Геолокация может неверно определять некоторые районы. Выберите адрес из списка или введите его.

Как узнать адрес на визитке

Электронная визитка позволяет сделать страничку популярнее. Ее можно использовать при рассылках, она направлена на коммерческую деятельность. На визитке отображается адрес, поэтому при регистрации нового аккаунта придумайте звучное название, которое легко писать и произносить.

Как посмотреть адрес Инстаграмма на визитке:

  1. Перейдите в личный профиль.
  2. Нажмите на клавишу меню.Вход в меню InstagramВход в меню Instagram
  3. Кликните по строке «Instagram-визитка».Визитка InstagramВизитка Instagram
  4. На экране откроется визитка профиля.

С помощью кнопки сверху можно задать фон визитки или сделать фото. Адрес визитки указан по центру, он соответствует логину.

Кнопка выбора фона InstagramКнопка выбора фона Instagram

Отправка ссылки на «Директ» Instagram

В Инстаграм нельзя оставлять ссылки на личный «Директ». Чтобы написать сообщение пользователю придется перейти в профиль и нажать кнопку «Написать». Чтобы получить номер телефона или данные электронной почты нажмите на кнопку «Контакты».

В настройках можно указать адрес сайта Инстаграмм, который будет отображаться в разделе «Контакты». Для этого:

  1. Откройте свой профиль.
  2. Нажмите «Редактировать профиль».Редактирование профиля InstagramРедактирование профиля Instagram
  3. Введите информацию о сайте в окошко Website.Сайт InstagramСайт Instagram
  4. Нажмите на галочку для сохранения данных.

Ссылка на аккаунт в Инстаграм поможет продвижению профиля. В настройках можно найти визитку и задать контакты профиля. Опция определения местоположения пригодится при публикациях. Информация отображается над каждой фотографией, отредактировать его можно в любое время.

90000 The Ultimate Guide to Writing Good Instagram Captions 90001 90002 Writing good Instagram captions can be really hard. 90003 90002 Should your Instagram captions be funny? Serious? Inspirational? Should you use emojis and hashtags? And what about your call-to-action? 90003 90002 To help you get started and create Instagram captions that are as great as your photos, we’ve put together this guide with all our top tips: 90003 90002 90009 90009 90003 90012 90013 Why Are Good Instagram Captions So Important? 90014 90015 90002 A great Instagram caption will stop a scroller in their tracks — and the longer someone spends reading your caption and engaging with your post, the better your post will rank with the Instagram algorithm! 90003 90018 90002 View this post on Instagram 90003 90002 @casper: mattresses & sleep accessories 🛌⁠⠀ — Founded in 2013⁠⠀ — From New York 🇺🇸⁠⠀ — NYSE: CSPR (previously, Series D) ⁠ ⠀ — Glow Light from $ 120⁠⠀ — Product review: 4 / 5⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ The Story 〰⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ If you have not seen @casper on your Insta feeds, bus stops, subway stations, you name it, then you may have seen them in the news lately thanks to their recent IPO.Founded in 2013, by Philip Krim, Neil Parikh, Luke Sherwin, Jeff Chapin, & Gabe Flateman, the go-to-market strategy was simple: produce the best possible mattress at an affordable price, launch with a single-model, deliver it quickly (& free), and offer a 100-day trial period.⁠ ⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Casper is the original DTC business that flipped the mattress industry on its head and into a three-and-a-half foot-tall box. In their early years, they leveraged influencers like @kyliejenner, attracted celebrity investors: @leonardodicaprio, @aplusk & @ 50cent, and received a huge retail investment from @target.⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Since then, SO many competitors (@saatva, @leesasleep, @simbasleep, @emmamattress, HUNDREDS MORE) have popped up, threatening Casper’s position in the market. Since Casper’s IPO on Feb. 6th, their price-per-share dipped below $ 12 / share (it was around $ 19 / share before the IPO) and today, they’re hovering around $ 6 / share. The situation is not pretty, and Casper’s shareholders might not be getting a good night’s sleep.⁠ ⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Product Review 〰⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Good news: this is not another mattress review! Since Casper launched, they’ve diversified their product offering to all things sleep-related: bed sheets, pillowcases, dog beds, and … the Glow Light! Design-wise, the Glow Light is very quite attractive.It’s minimalistic, sleek, and has that techy, futuristicy look. It’s designed to give off natural sunsets and sunrises to align with circadian rhythms. I really enjoyed the warm hues, they helped me get up in the morning, especially in the dark winter months.⁠ ⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Bad news, the device is controlled by Bluetooth, so it’s lack of Wi-Fi support means voice control is off the table. It also has a hefty price tag ($ 120) which is a lot for a night light. But if you do have trouble sleeping / waking up it could be a smart investment! 90003 90002 A post shared by Brand Tryouts (@brandtryouts) on 90024 Mar 10, 2020 at 7:12 pm PDT 90025 90003 90027 90002 Captions are a powerful tool that can be used to encourage likes, comments, and even visits to your website.And if your post gets enough engagement, it might even end up on the Explore Page! 90003 90002 What’s more, captions are a huge opportunity to build a stronger relationship with your audience. 90003 90002 And while celebrities like Kylie Jenner can get away with a single moon emoji as a caption, for brands and influencers, lengthy captions that champion story-telling and authenticity are driving great results: 90003 90002 The «micro-blogging» caption trend is a great way to connect on a deeper level with your followers, which in turn can boost brand loyalty.90003 90036 90002 View this post on Instagram 90003 90002 She said, «I feel like I’m treading water and barely staying afloat. I have no idea what I’m doing …» I laughed. Me too, sis, me too. Double tap if you’ve felt like that lately. Whether it’s parenting or launching a business or getting your new idea started or navigating the world of relationships — we’re all just figuring it out as we go. Here’s the deal, if you’re here, it’s important to remember that I certainly do not have all the answers — I mean, the words «imperfectly leading women» live in my bio because that’s what you’re watching unfold.All I can promise is that if I am one step, one chapter ahead, I’ll take you with me and hold nothing back. So if you feel like you’re kicking and about to sink under or you’re exhausted from the struggle or you’re just about to dive in and anticipating the hustle it’ll take, welcome, you’re in good company here. As I get ready to dive back into work after a month sabbatical, I’m right there with you. So grab my hand and let’s keep on putting one foot in front of the other. Forward is forward, my friend.What’s # 1️⃣ on your to-do list for this week? Tell me below. 90003 90002 A post shared by JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) on 90042 Jul 21, 2019 at 4:03 pm PDT 90025 90003 90027 90002 Not forgetting that a good Instagram caption with an effective call-to-action (CTA) is one of the best ways to inspire your followers to comment on your posts. And that means even more engagement on your account. 90003 90002 In a nutshell, you can not afford to leave your captions as an afterthought. 90003 90002 While creating beautiful content for your feed is ultra important, if you want to get more engagement on your posts, and maybe even reach new audiences, writing good Instagram captions that drive engagement is a great strategy.90003 90002 90013 The good news is you can take Later’s 90014 90013 How to Write Engaging Instagram Captions 90014 90013 workshop with Instagram pro Elise Darma right now — it’s completely FREE, just sign up below! 90014 90003 90002 90061 90062 90003 90002 90003 90012 90013 How to Write Good Instagram Captions 90014 90015 90002 So what does a good Instagram caption look like? 90003 90002 In its simplest form, a good Instagram caption is one that 90073 provides context, adds personality, and inspires your followers to take action.90074 90003 90002 But writer’s block is real, and when you’ve spent time and effort perfecting your Instagram images, crafting a caption can seem like added work you do not have time for. 90003 90002 To help you start writing good Instagram captions that convert readers into loyal, engaged followers, we’re sharing our top tips! 90003 90002 90081 90081 90003 90012 90013 How to Write Good Instagram Captions Tip # 1: Write a Killer First Line 90014 90015 90002 Making the first part of your Instagram caption super-engaging and enticing is a sure-fire way to boost the amount of time people spend viewing your post.90003 90002 The trick is to ensure that you deliver the punchy, attention-grabbing element of your first line before the caption is truncated (shortened) — so it’s visible in someone’s feed without them having to click «more». 90003 90002 You could spark your followers ‘curiosity with an intriguing statement, or capture their attention with hard-hitting stats, trigger an emotional response or share an exclusive offer. 90003 90002 Whatever tactic you choose, just remember that the goal is to pique your followers ‘interest, so they’re more likely to read your full caption and engage with your post.90003 90012 90013 How to Write Good Instagram Captions Tip # 2: Add a Call-to-Action 90014 90015 90002 The simple act of including a call-to-action in your Instagram caption and inviting your audience to comment or like a post can go a very long way it when it comes to driving more engagement. 90003 90002 And the best bit — the engagement does not stop with Instagram! 90003 90002 A good CTA can inspire your followers to engage with your business website, sign up to a newsletter or shop online! 90003 90002 90013 Here’s how to nail your CTAs in your Instagram posts: 90014 90003 90110 90013 Using Call-to-Actions to Drive Engagement 90014 90013 90114 90014 90116 90002 If you want more engagement on your posts, all you have to do is ask! 90003 90002 Add a call-to-action to your Instagram captions like «double tap if you agree», or ask a personal question to encourage more comments on your post.90003 90002 Not only will this strengthen the sense of community on your Instagram account, but it will also provide positive indicators for the Instagram algorithm — which will lead to more exposure for your post. 90003 90002 Try to keep your CTAs fun and easy to do to encourage as many engagements as possible. 90003 90002 Another great call-to-action that will boost your post with the Instagram algorithm is to ask your followers to tag their friends in the comment section of your post. 90003 90002 This can be as simple as saying: «Tag a friend who needs to hear this!», Or «Tag someone that would wear this!».90003 90002 Alternatively, you could run an Instagram contest that requires users to tag a friend in the comments section in order to enter. 90003 90002 If you’re planning on running an Instagram contest, it’s a good idea to include «contest» or «giveaway» at the beginning of your caption to really capture your followers ‘attention! 90003 90110 90013 Using Call-to-Actions to Divert Traffic to Your Site 90014 90116 90002 You can also use call-to-actions to encourage your audience to visit your website or purchase a product.90003 90002 If you have over 10k followers on Instagram, you can add direct links to your Instagram Stories and invite viewers to «swipe up» to learn more. 90003 90002 But it can be a little bit trickier to direct your followers to your site from your post captions. 90003 90002 One way around this is to encourage your followers to click the link in your bio, or even visit a specific URL. 90003 90145 90002 View this post on Instagram 90003 90002 OUAI makes scents. Welcome back Melrose Place and North Bondi.🌹🌸Available now on theOUAI.com. ⠀ From coast to coast: Melrose Place’s velvety rich rose scent is inspired by Los Angeles and smells like Rose Hair & Body Oil. TOP NOTES-Champagne, Pink Peppercorn, Berry and Lychee. MIDDLE NOTES-Peony, Rose, Freesia, Jasmine and Bergamot. DRY DOWN-Amber, Sandalwood, White Musk and Cedar-wood. ⠀ North Bondi’s rich floral and white musk scent is inspired by Sydney’s Bondi Beach and smells like Wave Spray. TOP NOTES-Bergamot, Apple Blossom, Raspberry, Italian Lemon.MIDDLE NOTES-Rose de Mai, Jasmine, Violet. DRY-DOWN-Sandalwood, Patchouly, White Musk. ⠀ Free of: Parabens, Animal Testing 90003 90002 A post shared by OUAI (@theouai) on 90151 Jul 18, 2019 at 10:06 am PDT 90025 90003 90027 90002 Instagram only gives you one hyperlink in your bio, so if you’re looking to optimize on that, think about using a tool like Linkin.bio by Later. 90003 90002 With Linkin.bio, you can redirect your viewers from your captions to a clickable landing page that looks exactly like your feed.90003 90002 So your audience will always be able to find the link they’re looking for, and you will not have to keep updating the link in your profile! 90003 90161 90161 90002 90003 90002 90073 Want to drive more traffic to your website and convert followers into customers? Linkin.bio is available on all Later business plans starting from just $ 19 / month. 90074 90003 90002 90003 90110 90013 Tease the Value of Completing a Call-to-Action 90014 90116 90002 To make your call-to-actions even more effective, let your followers know what they stand to gain by doing it.90003 90002 As Elise Darma mentions in our free How to Write Engaging Instagram Captions workshop, this can be as simple as adding «so that» to your captions — such as: «enter my competition 90013 so that 90014 you can win …» — or by setting out what your audience will learn by following your CTA! 90003 90002 Add 90003.90000 How to Write Good Instagram Captions: Tips, Ideas, and Tools 90001 90002 Compelling Instagram captions will lead to more engagement. And engagement is one of the key three things the Instagram algorithm considers when ordering content in users ‘feeds. 90003 90002 Get more likes and comments, and your followers will see your photos and videos more often. 90003 90002 Read on for a list of winning Instagram caption ideas and get tips on how to write your own. 90003 90008 90009 Table of contents 90010 90011 90012 90009 What makes a good Instagram caption? 90010 90015 90012 90009 11 tips for crafting the perfect Instagram caption 90010 90015 90012 90009 Instagram caption ideas from the brands that do them best 90010 90015 90012 90009 Instagram caption tools 90010 90015 90002 90029 Bonus: Download a free checklist 90030 that reveals the exact steps a lifestyle photographer used to grow from 0 to 600,000 followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.90003 90008 What makes a great Instagram caption? 90011 90002 A great Instagram caption will add context, show off your brand’s personality, entertain the audience, and / or compel people to take action. Captions can be up to 2,200 characters in length, include emoji, and up to 30 hashtags. 90003 90002 Of course that does not mean your captions should be hashtag-ridden essays stuffed with cryptic emoji messages. As with any piece of good web writing, your Instagram caption should be attention-grabbing and easy to read and follow.It should also speak to the content and the audience. 90003 90002 Here’s how to write your own captions to boost engagement. 90003 90008 11 tips for crafting the perfect Instagram caption 90011 90042 1. Know your audience 90043 90002 Who of Instagram’s 1 billion million users fit your business ‘target customer profile? Instagram demographics show us that the platform is used by people in all income brackets, and is slightly more popular among women than it is with men. 90003 90002 But those are the broad strokes.The better you know your audience, the easier it is to tailor your Instagram marketing strategy to their needs and expectations. 90003 90002 To that end, we recommend building audience personas. These archetypes outline basic details about your target customers, their goals, and their pain points. 90003 90002 Our guide to creating audience personas outlines the questions you need to ask yourself to determine who your customers are. How old are they? Where do they live? What sorts of jobs do they have? What do they do outside of work? 90003 90002 Once you know who you’re speaking to, you can answer questions that will inform what you put in your captions: 90003 90054 90055 Will my audience understand this reference? 90056 90055 Are emojis and netspeak appropriate to use here? ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯ 90056 90055 Do I need to add more context to this post? 90056 90061 90002 Answer those questions, and actioning on the next step will be much easier.90003 90042 2. Identify your brand voice 90043 90002 If you have not identified your brand voice as part of a broader social media marketing strategy, ask yourself: ‘What are the qualities and values ​​I want my brand to embody?’ Make a list and use it to shape your voice. 90003 90002 You might also try jotting down a few adjectives that describe your business and use those to find the right tone. «Bold,» «curious,» and «authoritative» might make sense for a travel brand, for example. 90003 90002 In general, Instagram users do not expect a formal or serious tone.Of course it depends on the industry and audience, but you should strive to keep things light, use humor where appropriate, and show personality. 90003 90002 The people behind Lego’s instagram account do a great job of this, combining humor and whimsy to tell the brand’s story. 90003 90074 90075 90042 3. Consider length 90043 90002 Remember that most people scroll through their Instagram feeds at a brisk pace. If there’s any doubt as to how long your caption should be, keep it brief.Give context where you need to, but if the post speaks for itself, let it. 90003 90002 Note: for posts in feeds, only the first three lines of a caption will be displayed. For captions longer than three lines, people will have to tap «More» to read the whole thing 90003 90002 If you want your entire caption to display, Instagram recommends using 125 characters or fewer. 90003 90084 90075 90002 That said, if there’s an interesting story to tell behind the photo, take the the time (and the generous character limit) to tell it.90003 90002 National Geographic’s Instagram account is one of the best at longer-form captions. As impressive as the brand’s visuals are, the accompanying text always adds value. 90003 90090 90075 90002 For further reading on this point, check out our guide to the ideal social media post length for every network. 90003 90042 4. Place the most important words at the beginning of the caption 90043 90002 Again, captions are cut off in users ‘feeds after a few lines of text, so you need to convey your key point or call to action right away.Put any @mentions and hashtags (more on those later) at the end. 90003 90002 Also, leading with the most important words is just good writing. Hook the reader in and give them a reason to tap «More.» 90003 90002 90101 90003 90042 5. Edit and rewrite 90043 90002 Take your time and do not be afraid to go through several drafts, especially if your captions are more than a few lines long. Great writing-whether you’re aiming humor or education-takes multiple drafts and edits 90003 90002 Make sure every word supports the content and message you’re trying to convey.Cut out words that are 90108 clearly 90109 unnecessary to keep it 90108 as 90109 concise 90108 as possible 90109. 90003 90002 You should also have someone else edit your work. A fresh pair of eyes will pick up mistakes you may have gone missed to after spending so much time staring at the text. 90003 90002 With a social media management tool like Hootsuite, you can set up your teams and workflows for post review and approval before any content is published. 90003 90002 90120 90121 90003 90002 More editing tips for social media marketers here.90003 90042 6. Use hashtags, but use them wisely 90043 90002 Use hashtags that are relevant to your post and target audience. And do not use so many that they crowd your copy and make it difficult to read. 90003 90002 If you do not want to clutter your captions, there are two ways to «hide» your hashtags: 90003 90131 90055 90029 Separate your hashtags from the rest of your caption by burying them beneath periods and line breaks. 90030 Once you’ve finished composing your caption, tap the 90029 123 key 90030.Select 90029 Return 90030 and then enter a period, dash, or asterisk. Repeat those steps at least five times. Because Instagram caps off captions after three lines, the hashtags will not be viewable to users unless they tap the «More» option. 90056 90055 90029 Do not put hashtags in your captions at all. 90030 Instead, write them in the comment section right after you publish the post. Once other people leave a few comments, the hashtags will not be viewable unless the option to 90029 See all 90030 is selected.90056 90146 90002 90148 90003 90042 7. Pose a question 90043 90002 One of the easiest ways to get more comments on your photo is by using the caption to pose a question to your followers. 90003 90002 It could be a skill-testing question, an open-ended question, or multiple choice. 90003 90156 90075 90002 You could also use the caption to get tips or recommendations from the audience. 90003 90042 8. Give a shout-out with an @mention 90043 90002 Does your post feature another Instagram user? Include their username in the caption so your followers can check out their profile too.90003 90002 By mentioning another user in the caption, you’ll likely compel that user-and possibly some of their followers-to comment on, like, or share your content. 90003 90166 90075 90042 9. Encourage engagement with a call to action 90043 90002 Want to drive engagement? Ask for it by inviting people to leave a comment, tag their friends, or weigh in with an opinion. 90003 90002 https://www.instagram.com/p/BASjbt8QQHs/?taken-by=intel 90003 90002 Of course, the content of your post will have to be compelling for them to want to do that.So be sure to put your best foot forward before you put your hand out. It will reflect poorly on your brand if you try to solicit engagement but receive only silence in return. 90003 90002 Alternatively, you could make your call to action too good to refuse. Run a comment-to-win contest with a cool prize. 90003 90042 10. Do not be afraid to use emoji 90043 90002 Are emoji appropriate to use within an Instagram caption❓ 90003 90002 The animated icons can help draw the reader’s eye in and are a great way to add a bit of personality.90003 90002 https://www.instagram.com/p/Be9DYmsnMa7/?taken-by=mailchimp 90003 90002 Emoji can also stand in for entire words, keeping your copy short and fun. 90003 90188 90075 90042 11. Try using quotes 90043 90002 Not the cliché inspirational variety, but ones that are specific to the post. Maybe it’s a quote from the person who captured the photo, as GoPro often does with their user-generated content. 90003 90194 90075 90002 Or it could be a quote from the person featured in the post, as Nike has done with this video starring soccer star Neymar da Silva Santos.90003 90002 https://www.instagram.com/p/BkUWGRcnaXZ/?taken-by=nike 90003 90008 Instagram caption ideas from the brands that do them best 90011 90002 Now that you know how to write great captions, let’s look at some of the most effective caption types and how successful brands use them to engage the audience. 90003 90042 The follow-the-link CTA caption 90043 90002 Airbnb uses captions to compel followers to click the always-rotating link in their bio for more information, and / or check out their latest Instagram Story.90003 90208 90075 90042 The behind-the-scenes caption 90043 90002 Instagram is a great platform for behind-the-scenes content. Lush Cosmetics often explains how their products are made in their captions. 90003 90214 90075 90042 The informative caption 90043 90002 General Electric’s Instagram captions are full of compelling facts about science, nature, and company initiatives. 90003 90220 90075 90042 The instructional caption 90043 90002 Tasty, BuzzFeed’s food channel, pairs step-by-step cooking videos with the recipe itself.Simple + useful = a great caption. 90003 90226 90002 View this post on Instagram 90003 90002 Roasted Garlic Parmesan Potatoes Servings: 4 — 6 INGREDIENTS 3 russet potatoes, sliced ​​4 tablespoons olive oil Salt, to taste Pepper, to taste 2 teaspoons garlic powder 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning 1 teaspoon paprika ½ cup parmesan cheese, shredded Parsley, chopped PREPARATION 1 . Preheat the oven to 400˚F / 200˚C. 2. Place the potatoes in a large bowl. Drizzle olive oil and toss to coat.3. In a small bowl, mix salt, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and paprika. Sprinkle seasoning on potatoes and toss to coat. 4. Spread the potatoes on a baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes, remove from the oven, sprinkle with parmesan and pepper, then bake for an additional 20 minutes. 5. Sprinkle potatoes with fresh parsley and serve while hot. 6. Enjoy! 90003 90002 A post shared by Tasty (@buzzfeedtasty) on 90232 Sep 6, 2016 at 5:10 pm PDT 90233 90003 90075 90042 The contest or giveaway caption 90043 90002 There are few things on Instagram more appealing than the promise of free stuff.If you’re running an Instagram contest, promote it in the caption by explaining to the audience how to enter and what they can win. 90003 90240 90075 90042 The storyteller caption 90043 90002 If your post needs context, then by all means take advantage of Instagram’s generous character count. 90003 90002 You’ll be hard-pressed to find any brand on Instagram that tells more compelling stories than Humans of New York. 90003 90248 90075 90042 The minimalist caption 90043 90002 We’ve already stated it in this post, but it bears repeating: if your content is attention-grabbing and speaks for itself, a short caption is best.90003 90254 90075 90008 Instagram caption tools 90011 90002 Here are a few apps and tools to help you write the very best Instagram captions. 90003 90042 Captiona 90043 90002 Captiona will help you come up with ideas for your captions. 90003 90002 It works like a predictive search engine. Enter a keyword that relates to the content, and the app will deliver a list of suggested captions. 90003 90002 While you should always strive for originality, if you’re stuck you can use it as a creative springboard.Riff off the suggestions, but do not copy them verbatim. Be original to standout from the crowd. 90003 90002 90269 90003 90042 Hemingway app 90043 90002 Named for Ernest Hemingway, the desktop tool promises to make your writing «bold and clear.» It analyzes text and, with color-coded highlights, points out where your writing has become sloppy or indulgent. This allows you to easily cut down run-on sentences and swap out needlessly difficult words for simpler alternatives. 90003 90002 Readability is key, especially on a medium like Instagram where users scroll through content quickly.The Hemingway app will help you craft clear, punchy copy that draws in a scanning set of eyes. 90003 90002 90278 90003 90002 Grammarly 90003 90002 Grammarly will catch errors that most traditional spell check tools miss-everything from inconsistent use of tense to missing commas. The tool will even offer synonym suggestions to help add variety to your writing. 90003 90002 90285 90003 90002 And that’s it. You have the ideas, tips, and tools to write compelling Instagram captions of your own.Now get posting. 90003 90002 90029 Easily manage your Instagram presence using Hootsuite. From the same dashboard that you run all your other social profiles from, you can schedule and publish posts, monitor performance, and much more. Try it free today. 90030 90003 90002 Get Started 90003 .90000 How to Write the Best Instagram Bio: Ideas, Tips, and Examples 90001 90002 Instagram is growing faster than any other social network. It’s also got the most even age breakdown. More than 200 million people visit an Instagram business profile every single day. 90003 90002 Your Instagram profile creates the first impression of your brand and is the backbone of your Instagram presence. At the heart of your Instagram profile is your Instagram bio. It offers 150 characters of prime real estate to introduce yourself and show new visitors why they should follow and engage with your brand.90005 90003 90002 90008 Bonus: Unlock 25 inspiring social media bio templates 90009 to create your own in seconds and stand out from the crowd. 90003 90011 What an Instagram bio should do for your brand 90012 90002 Your Instagram bio shows visitors who you are, what you offer, and why they should care. It’s worth investing some time to get it right. 90003 90002 It might be the first point of contact for someone who’s discovered your brand by clicking through from an Instagram hashtag.Does your bio make it clear why someone should follow you? Does it showcase the very best of your brand? 90003 90002 A great Instagram bio highlights your brand personality and compels users to take action-whether that means clicking on your link, visiting your bricks-and-mortar shop, or simply following your account. 90003 90011 What’s included in your Instagram profile bio 90012 90002 Before you start thinking about what to write, you need to understand all the components of your profile.90003 90023 Name 90024 90002 When introducing yourself, it makes sense to start with your name. Include your real brand name, of course, but you do not have to stop there. 90003 90002 The name and username fields are the only parts of your Instagram profile that are included in Instagram searches. That means you can also include a variation or abbreviation of your name, if you think it’s a term people might use to search for you, like Saturday Night Live does. 90003 90002 90030 90003 90002 Or, you could include an important keyword that might help people discover your account, like Sam and Yass do at Mapping Along.90003 90002 90035 90003 90002 You can include up 30 characters. 90003 90023 Username 90024 90002 This is your identity on Instagram. It’s your @ handle, and it forms part of your profile URL (instagram.com/username). Use a consistent handle across social networks to make it easy for people to find you. 90003 90023 Website 90024 90002 This is the only place on Instagram where you can post a clickable link. 90003 90002 You can change the URL as often as you like. You might want to link to your newest or most important content (like your latest blog post or video), a special campaign, or a landing page specifically for visitors coming from Instagram.90003 90023 Category 90024 90002 If you have a business profile on Instagram, you can choose a category for your business. This appears under your name and can help people see at a glance what you do. 90003 90002 Using a category for your business can free up space in your Instagram bio, since you do not need to repeat this information. However, it only appears in the mobile view, so you can not assume everyone will see it. 90003 90023 Contact information 90024 90002 Business profiles can include contact buttons that allow people to phone you, email you, or get directions to your business directly from Instagram.90003 90002 When you add your address to your Instagram business profile, it appears below your bio but does not use up any of your bio character count. This is another great way to free up space for more compelling bio information. 90003 90002 90062 90003 90002 90008 Note 90009: the contact information and contact buttons only appear on mobile, not in desktop view. 90003 90023 Call-to-Action Buttons 90024 90002 You can encourage people to take action straight from your Instagram bio with CTA buttons.These allow your followers to take actions like book a table at your restaurant, or buy tickets for your event. 90003 90023 Verified badge 90024 90002 That little blue checkmark is incredibly valuable, since it assures visitors they have reached your official Instagram account. Want one of your own? Check out our guide to getting verified on Instagram. 90003 90023 Bio 90024 90002 Finally, there’s the bio itself. Your Instagram profile bio gives you just 150 characters to explain who you are and what you do.It should also convey your brand’s unique personality and show your audience that they have come to the right place. 90003 90002 That’s a lot to ask of such a small amount of text. You’ll need to employ some creative Instagram bio ideas to make your bio stand out. 90003 90002 So, let’s dive into how to write the best bio for Instagram. 90003 90011 How to write the best Instagram bio 90012 90023 Convey personality 90024 90002 Your Instagram bio is your introduction to new followers. A boring bio is not going to inspire people to click the follow button, even if you’ve got some great photos in your feed.90003 90002 Your photos show users what you do. Your bio is your chance to tell them who you are. This is social media, after all-it’s important to be human. 90003 90002 Convey important quick-hit information about your account here, too. What is your brand promise? 90003 90002 If you’re an individual entrepreneur, what are your special skills? 90003 90002 Are you a local business? 90003 90002 Is your product ethically made? 90003 90002 Canadian Blood Services does a great job of showing the importance of their work using an authoritative, human, and appropriately serious brand voice.90003 90002 90103 90003 90002 BarkShop’s bio is more casual, which is completely appropriate for their brand. 90003 90002 90108 90003 90002 Imagine how weird it would sound if these two brands traded bio styles? But each one works perfectly for the brand it represents. That’s why you have to understand your unique brand voice and personality. 90003 90002 If you can, get a good copywriter involved. Make sure to follow the principles of great writing for social media. Many of the strategies for writing a great Instagram caption also apply here.90003 90023 Include hashtags 90024 90002 Adding hashtags to your Instagram bio is a great way to link to tagged content. You could include a branded hashtag to promote and collect user-generated content. 90003 90002 Destination BC uses the hashtag #exploreBC to collect stunning user-generated photos from around the province. 90003 90002 90121 90003 90002 You could also include a themed hashtag that highlights a current promotion or contest. 90003 90002 Keep in mind that Instagram bio hashtags are clickable, but they do not appear in hashtag search results.Do not include hashtags that are not directly related to your business, because each one represents an opportunity for potential followers to click away. 90003 90023 Play with emoji 90024 90002 Emojis convey a lot of information in just one character. They’re a great way to highlight your brand personality and provide key details in a small space. 90003 90002 Emojis are also a great way to break your instagram bio up visually. If you feel like most emojis are too cute for your brand, keep it simple, even if it’s just a simple checkmark.90003 90002 The Netflix food shows account DontWatchHungry uses a string of emojis to make sure visitors know at a glance they’ve reach a profile that’s all about food. 90003 90002 90136 90003 90002 Here’s some emoji shorthand to get you started: 90003 90140 90141 90008 Ghost emoji 90009 90144: Use before your snapchat handle 90145 90141 90008 Location pin 90009 90149: Use in front of your physical location or address 90145 90141 90008 Envelope 90009 90154: Use in front of your email address 90145 90141 90008 Downward pointing finger 90009 90159: Use in the last line of your bio to point to your clickable URL 90145 90141 90008 Flags 90009: Can be a great way to indicate your home base, or to highlight your local brand accounts in different languages ​​or countries.90145 90165 90023 Use spacing and line breaks 90024 90002 People do not tend to read information online. Instead, they scan for bite-sized chunks of information. Make that information easy to identify using line breaks. 90003 90002 Modern Tiny Living uses emojis as bullet points to show off key points about their company that would not quite make sense written in paragraph form. 90003 90002 90173 90003 90002 It’s really easy to set this up using the Instagram web interface. Simply space your bio as you would like it to appear.90003 90002 On mobile, your best bet is to create your bio with the spacing you want using a notes app. Then, copy and paste it into your bio field. 90003 90023 Write a compelling call to action 90024 90002 All good marketing material includes a clear and compelling call to action. Your Instagram bio is no exception. Give visitors clear direction. What is the first thing you want people to do after they visit your profile? 90003 90002 You might want to send people to a lnk where they can buy or book your products.But you might have a different conversion goal in mind. Maybe you want people to Like your Facebook page or sign up for your newsletter. 90003 90002 Maybe you want them to visit your website. You could say, «Visit our website,» of course. But you can also get more creative, like Victoria Emerson Design does with its call to action: 90186 Come see what you love 90187. 90003 90002 90190 90003 90002 Make sure your call to action supports your Instagram marketing goals, and aligns with the clickable link in your bio.90003 90002 If your goal is to build an Instagram following, your call to action might be simply to ask visitors to follow your feed, or to share their photos with a branded hashtag. 90003 90011 Instagram bio ideas 90012 90002 Still not sure what to say in your bio, or how to make it stand out? Here are some Instagram bio ideas and examples to get you started. 90003 90023 Funny Instagram bios 90024 90002 While it will not work for every brand, sometimes humor can be a great way to break the ice.90003 90002 Old Spice uses humor that aligns with their well-known ad campaigns. «MUSCLES. SMELLS. » Yup, that’s Old Spice in a nutshell. 90003 90002 90207 90003 90002 Totinos takes a different approach, using a funny character in their bio. (We’ll admit we had to say «Pete Zaroll» out loud before we got the joke.) 90003 90002 90212 90003 90023 Creative Instagram bios 90024 90002 When you really want to get creative with your Instagram bio, try one of these creative Instagram hacks for your bio.90003 90023 Use custom fonts 90024 90002 Technically, you can only use one «font» in your Instagram bio. But there are tools out there that will help you create the look of a custom font by mapping your text to existing special characters. 90003 90002 Here’s what my own Instagram bio looks like in a few different fonts, as created using the tool Instagram Fonts. 90003 90002 90225 90003 90002 That third one is especially bonkers, but you could pick and choose a few words to incorporate strategically for visual appeal.90003 90002 It’s not surprising to see this creative Instagram bio idea in use on an account that’s all about typography. 90003 90002 90232 90003 90002 Like The Daily Type does, it’s a good idea to use this trick sparingly, rather than dressing your entire bio up in fancy fonts. 90003 90002 Once you find a font style you like, just copy-and-paste it into your Instagram bio. 90003 90023 Add special characters 90024 90002 We’ve already talked about using emojis. But you can also go old-school and use special text symbols to break ★ up ★ your ★ bio.(Remember Wingdings and Webdings? How very 1990s.) 90003 90002 This trick uses the same principle as the tip above, but instead of using symbols to create the look of a custom font, you can use them as retro emojis or unique bullet points, as in the account for the travel bloggers at Wander in Two . 90003 90002 90245 90003 90002 The easiest way to find your special character is to open a new Google Doc, then click Insert and choose Special characters. 90003 90002 You can scroll through the available options, search by keyword, or even draw a shape to find a similar character.Then, just copy and paste into your Instagram bio. 90003 90002 90252 90003 90023 Use Instagram bio quotes 90024 90002 Quotes can be a great way to express an idea or create a feeling of connection with like-minded people. 90003 90002 You do not have to use a traditional quote that’s attributed to a real person. You could use a saying, a line from a poem or song, or any phrase that will mean something to potential followers. Just make sure to give credit where credit is due if you use someone else’s words.90003 90002 Where you you find good Instagram bio quotes? The Quotations Page is a good place to start. 90003 90002 With these Instagram bio ideas in hand, you’re ready to create a bio that showcases the best of your brand and compels visitors to like, follow, and even buy, all in 150 characters or less. 90003 90002 90008 Save time managing your Instagram presence using Hootsuite. From a single dashboard you can schedule and publish posts, engage the audience, measure performance, and run all your other social media profiles.Try it free today. 90005 90009 90003 90002 Sign Up 90003 .90000 8 Ways to Write Better Instagram Captions (With Examples!) 90001 90002 A picture paints a thousand words, right? Not necessarily. 90003 90002 Although Instagram is a visual medium, nailing your 90005 Instagram caption 90006 is 90007 almost 90008 as critical as the photo (or video) itself. 90003 90002 That’s because those few lines of text not only help to provide context for your image but they also help to showcase your brand’s personality. 90003 90002 90013 90013 90003 90002 How do you craft an Instagram caption for billions of eyes? You have a huge potential audience to appeal to but also a huge amount of posts to compete with every day.90003 90002 What should you write? How do you get your audience to engage? What length is the best for your captions? 90003 90002 You’ll find the answers to all your questions (and more) in this post. 90003 90002 Let there be no confusion: just plopping down a few words for your Instagram post is NOT enough! So, before we dive into our tips, let’s look at why it’s so important to have a well-crafted Instagram caption. 90003 90024 90025 Why Your Instagram Caption Matters 90026 90027 90002 Your Instagram caption allows you to express your brand’s personality in ways that a photo can not do alone.You can share stories, tell jokes, and personify your business by speaking directly to your followers. You might be able to accomplish this with a video, but that means your followers have to actually 90007 watch 90008 the video. Even someone quickly scrolling through their feed can skim a caption! 90003 90002 Captions also give you the ability to engage with your audience. You can ask questions, spark debates, and offer chances to win prizes if people like and follow your page. 90003 90002 Why is engagement so important? 90003 90002 As of 2016, users no longer see posts on their feed in chronological order.Instead, content is prioritized based on engagement and interest, as well as the actual time when the content is posted. Basically, more engagement means your current and future posts are more likely to be seen. 90003 90002 With so many brands using Instagram, your company needs to stand out. The best way to do this is to personalize your business through interesting, relevant content and engaging captions. 90003 90002 Now that you know the basics, let’s get into the details. 90003 90024 90025 How to Write a Better Instagram Captions 90026 90027 90002 Your goal: create a caption that will elevate your post and increase engagement and reach while still representing your brand.90003 90002 To help you achieve this goal, we looked through the latest research and combed through Instagram posts from top companies to determine what makes a high-performing Instagram caption. 90003 90002 We found eight tips you can use in your content creation strategy. 90003 90002 Use them to increase your post reach and engagement, ensuring that your brand has more visibility-and therefore, more potential customers! 90003 90054 90055 Keep The Important Information First 90056 90055 Tell A Story About Your Brand 90056 90055 Consider The Structure Of Your Captions 90056 90055 Ask Questions To Encourage Engagement 90056 90055 Use Emojis To Show Your Personality 90056 90055 Include Relevant Hashtags 90056 90055 Use @ Mentions To Increase Reach 90056 90055 Always Include A Call To Action 90056 90071 90002 What does a well-crafted caption actually look like? 90003 90002 This post from LEGO includes every one of these tips.We’ve highlighted where, in the caption, you can see them at work and listed them below. 90003 90002 90077 90077 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90054 90055 LEGO places the most important information, referencing their Build to Give campaign, in the first few words of the caption. 90056 90055 The caption tells readers about the charitable side of LEGO, and their goals with this particular charity drive. 90056 90055 The caption is fairly short and to the point, with the question at the end offset by dashes, so it’s more obvious.90056 90055 LEGO asks, ‘will you join us’ at the end of the post, encouraging Instagram users to be more involved with LEGO’s charity drive. 90056 90055 The gift and high-five emojis in the middle of the caption break up the text and add a fun, personalized element to the post. 90056 90055 LEGO includes #BuildtoGive at the beginning of the post, linking this post with any others LEGO or other users have made about this campaign. 90056 90055 The post mentions @fairybrickscharity and @sheffieldchildrens, pulling these two users directly into the post and connecting them with the charity drive.90056 90055 The question at the end of the caption also serves as a call to action. It encourages readers to participate in the charity drive and interact with LEGO outside of the Instagram platform. 90056 90071 90002 Of course, you do not have to use every single one of these tips in all of your captions. Using just one or two can go a long way toward making your posts more engaging. 90003 90102 90025 1. Keep the Important Information First 90026 90105 90002 Instagram is optimized for a mobile viewing experience.This means that only the first 125 characters of a caption show up in a user’s feed. To see the rest of the caption, the user has to click 90007 more 90008. 90003 90002 Remember, you’re competing for user attention with every other blog that they follow, branded or not. You want to catch their interest quickly before they scroll past to look at a more interesting post. 90003 90002 90113 90113 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 In the example above, the reader learns the location and a positive attribute of this Airbnb option without having to click 90007 more 90008.Anyone interested in staying close to Chicago can expand the post to learn more, but the most important details are there for even the most passive Instagram viewer to see. 90003 90002 For contrast, take a look at this post from National Geographic: 90003 90002 90125 90125 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 By placing the photo credit first, instead of at the end, National Geographic hides the most critical and interesting information. There is little in the initial part of the caption to entice readers to learn more or engage with the post.90003 90102 90025 2. Tell a Story About Your Brand 90026 90105 90002 86% of users prefer a brand with an honest, authentic, and personalized social media presence. 90003 90002 You can build authenticity with your Instagram captions by telling a story about your brand that connects with readers. This might be anything from a brief history of the company or product to a personal story about an employee. 90003 90002 A caption does not need to be long to tell a story. Here’s another example from LEGO: 90003 90002 90143 90143 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 In just a few words, LEGO gives a brief history of their Winter Village series of products, stating that it has been around for 10 years and associating the series with positive traits ( ‘joy,’ ‘creativity,’ ‘iconic,’ ‘festive’).This establishes the product line as a holiday tradition, rather than just another toy. 90003 90002 Another example of this is GoPro. Like many brands, they use their Instagram posts to promote a lifestyle instead of just a product: 90003 90002 90153 90153 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 The photo draws in the reader, but the caption encourages engagement and gives more personality to the brand . The phrase ‘hidden treasures’ appeals to the reader’s sense of adventure and the desire to go off the beaten path.GoPro encourages this further by asking users to share their own sunset pictures, which increases the possibility of engagement and positions the brand as a lifestyle instead of just a camera. 90003 90102 90025 3. Consider the Structure of Your Instagram Captions 90026 90105 90002 You already know that a user has to click 90007 more 90008 to see a caption longer than 125 characters, but that does not mean you should avoid long captions. Since Instagram allows up to 2,200 characters in a caption, you could use around 400 words on average! 90003 90002 When constructing a longer caption, formatting is key.A huge block of text is difficult to read, especially on mobile where the print is smaller. Just to give you an idea, the post below uses 2,125 characters. 90003 90002 90171 90171 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 This post is written and formatted like a full article, not like an Instagram caption. The writer wrote an introduction and then posted a transcription of her friend’s podcast. In the process, some information and phrases are repeated (e.g., ‘dear friend and colleague’). 90003 90002 Instead of posting blocks of plain text, the user could have written an eye-catching initial caption and then a short description of the podcast and a reason the reader should listen.A link is already included. This structure would encourage Instagram users to listen to the podcast while using the caption to grab their attention and provoke interest. 90003 90002 This post also breaks tip # 1-the most interesting and eye-catching information is hidden behind the 90007 more 90008. 90003 90002 By comparison, the post below has 1,889 characters: 90003 90002 90187 90187 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 This caption is almost as long as the previous example, but it’s much easier to read.The poster uses spacing to break up the initial body of text and to separate out the ingredients. Then they use asterisks and emojis to separate the notes and recipe steps. These structural elements make the post easier to skim and read on mobile devices. 90003 90102 90025 4. Ask Questions to Encourage Engagement 90026 90105 90002 We established that increasing engagement is the main way to increase reach on Instagram. However, just having interesting content is not always enough. You have to encourage users to actively engage with your posts instead of just skimming them.90003 90002 One way to encourage engagement is to ask questions. Questions give users something direct to respond to, so they are engaging with an answer rather than having to come up with an off-the-cuff comment. Keep in mind that your questions need to be 90025 relevant to your brand. 90026 Random questions will not generate meaningful engagement or help your brand stick in the minds of users. 90003 90002 There are many different types of questions you can ask, including: 90003 90206 90055 90025 Asking for Feedback.90026 Find out which of your products are your customers ‘favorite, or get their input on a new product. Not only will this increase engagement, but you will also gain valuable insight into the opinions of your customers. 90056 90055 90025 Closed-Ended or Binary Questions. 90026 Ask a yes-or-no or a multiple-choice question. It requires minimal effort for users to respond, and every response increases your engagement. 90056 90055 90025 Getting-to-Know-You Questions. 90026 Share a personal story of your brand and then ask users to share their own similar or related stories.This helps you get to know your customers and humanizes your brand. 90056 90219 90002 Let’s look at a few brands that used this strategy. 90003 90002 90223 90223 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 Starbucks used their Instagram caption to build on the photo and actively ask users for engagement. We highlighted the question and the response from another user. Starbucks went one step farther and responded back to the user, making it an actual conversation. 90003 90002 90231 90231 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 Glossier provided a pro tip of their own before asking for tips from users.They received both joke responses ( ‘buy it’) and serious tips. Both kinds of responses increase the post’s-and therefore, the brand’s-overall engagement. 90003 90102 90025 5. Use Emojis to Show Your Personality 90026 90105 90002 Emojis have been used in marketing strategies since at least 2015. By now, they are common across social media platforms, with over 50% of Instagram accounts using emojis in their posts. Including emojis in your Instagram captions is a great way to grab interest and personalize your brand.90003 90002 Studies have shown that Instagram posts with emojis actually have higher rates of engagement than posts without emojis. Emojis can also be used to break up long blocks of text (as we saw earlier), and they add extra personality to your posts. 90003 90002 Here’s an example: 90003 90002 90249 90249 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 Allbirds uses dessert emojis to emphasize the sugary theme of their new product line. The colorful images also serve to break up the paragraph and draw attention to the caption, where users can learn more about the line and where to buy.90003 90002 Notably, Allbirds chooses emojis that are 90025 directly relevant 90026 to the post and the brand. Sprinkling random emojis into your Instagram caption may break up the text, but they will not help with your brand’s personality, and they may confuse your readers. 90003 90102 90025 6. Include Relevant Hashtags 90026 90105 90002 Increasing engagement is important, but your posts also need to increase reach and attract new followers. 90003 90002 Hashtags are one way to achieve this.Research has shown that posts with at least one hashtag receive more likes and comments than posts without any hashtags. 90003 90002 Hashtags increase reach dramatically now that Instagram users can follow a specific hashtag. This means if you use that hashtag in your post, you will reach users who follow the hashtag as well as users who follow you personally. 90003 90002 However, this does not mean you should just use all of the most popular hashtags in your posts to reach as many people as possible.In fact, posts with large numbers of hashtags tend to receive less engagement than posts with a few relevant ones. Users can also hide posts they do not want to see for a particular hashtag, and too many flags will likely decrease how often your posts show up in user feeds. 90003 90002 It’s easy to find examples of posts with hashtags, but in this post, LEGO does it particularly well. We highlighted the hashtags. 90003 90002 90275 90275 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 Not only does LEGO stick to hashtags that are relevant either to the post, to the brand, or both, but they also use a mixture of popular and specialized hashtags.#Holidays, for example, has 62,216,198 posts associated with it. #RebuildTheWorld has only 9,838 posts, and many of them are LEGO-related. 90003 90002 LEGO also makes use of their branded post (#LEGO). 7/10 hashtags on Instagram are branded, and branded hashtags are a great way to make your company more searchable on the platform. 90003 90102 90025 7. Use @ Mentions to Increase Reach 90026 90105 90002 You may have heard of Instagram influencers. These social media stars have huge followings and actively impact the purchase decisions of their followers.90003 90002 Now imagine you can connect yourself to these influencers and reach their followers as well as your own. When you use the ‘@ mention’ function to tag someone on Instagram, they receive a notification. If they comment on or share your post, the post will appear in their followers ‘feeds. In the case of an Instagram influencer, your post may be showing up in the feeds of thousands of people you would not have otherwise reached. 90003 90002 Of course, an influencer is not likely to engage with a random post, but if you work with another Instagram user or post content directly related to them, tagging them is a great way to increase your reach.90003 90002 Around 60% of posts tag other users, and you can see active engagement from the tagged user in many cases: 90003 90002 90297 90297 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 In this post, both of the tagged users responded. Now the post will reach the followers of two other blogs in addition to users following Macy’s. The comments also allowed Macy’s to hold a conversation, humanizing the brand and increasing engagement. 90003 90102 90025 8. Always Include a Call to Action 90026 90105 90002 All of these tips are designed to increase engagement and the reach of your posts, but if you really want Instagram users to take action, you should explicitly tell them so.90003 90002 A call to action directs users on what they should do after they finish reading your post. Where is the best place for a call to action on Instagram? That’s right, your Instagram caption. 90003 90002 Airbnb makes use of this to direct users to their magazine, which then gives them more options for places to stay: 90003 90002 90315 90315 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 Sephora uses their call to action to encourage user engagement and direct customers on where to buy the featured product: 90003 90002 90323 90323 90003 90002 (Image source) 90003 90002 Other call-to-action examples include: 90003 90206 90055 ‘Tag us in your photos’ 90056 90055 ‘Like if you agree’ 90056 90055 ‘ Comment with your favorite … ‘90056 90055’ Visit (link to your website) to order today ‘90056 90219 90002 The goal of your call to action is to encourage users to engage with your brand, either inside or outside of Instagram, and to give them a specific way they can do so.90003 90024 90025 Make Your Instagram Captions Work Harder 90026 90027 90002 Is a picture always worth a thousand words? Not necessarily. 90003 90002 Instagram captions provide context for the post while showcasing your brand’s personality and providing an opportunity for your followers to engage with you. 90003 90002 Even a short caption can work hard for your brand, elevating your post beyond what a photo or even a video could do on its own. If you use these tips as guidelines, you will increase your reach, maximize engagement, and avoid common caption pitfalls.90003 90002 Of course, every business’s Instagram is unique, and you have to find a style that works for your brand and your customers. Try these tips in your Instagram captions, either separately or in combination, and record the results. Once you see what your followers respond to, you can tailor your content-and your captions-to engage your current customers and attract new ones. 90003.

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